Texas Travel Blog
Monarch Butterfly Migration Waystation at Inn on Lake Granbury

The elusive Monarch Butterfly will soon be migrating through Granbury, Texas on its way from Canada to Mexico. Monarch’s will only lay eggs on one plant – milkweed. The milkweed at the Inn is in full bloom and the Monarchs will be finding it very soon. Guests at Inn on Lake Granbury are delighted by dozens of Monarchs, gracefully fluttering by and get a front row seat to witness first-hand the entire life cycle from egg, to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly. We have a Monarch specialist on staff who will show guests how to ‘tag’ a Monarch for their journey to Mexico.
The purpose of the tagging is to associate the location of capture with the point of recovery for each butterfly. The data from these recaptures are used to determine the pathways taken by migrating monarchs, the influence of weather on the migration, the survival rate of the monarchs, etc.
Monarch butterflies have been in great decline over the past 10 years, because of the vast reduction in cultivation of milkweed, due to the use of pesticides, draught and the loss of wild prairies replaced by buildings. The Inn on Lake Granbury is committed to creating a habitat that attracts Monarch butterflies by growing milkweed plants. Through our specialist, the Inn is also involved with the International Monarch Watch and we invite our guests to watch or participate in the Monarch Migration as these beautiful butterflies take respite at the Inn as they make their journey south.
Book a stay at the Inn in October or November and witness this unique display of natural beauty steps from your door!